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Deferred 下一步怎麼做?完整信件範例參閱

作家相片: Pano EducationPano Education


“Deferred” 是什麼意思?

當學生透過「提早申請」(Early Decision, ED 或 Early Action, EA) 管道申請美國大學時,通常會有三種結果:

錄取 (Accepted):學生被大學接受並收到錄取通知。

拒絕 (Denied):學生的申請未被接受。

延後決定 (Deferred):學生的申請未被立即決定,將被延後到「常規申請」(Regular Decision, RD) 階段再進行審查。

什麼是 Deferred?

收到「延後決定」通知對許多學生來說會是一種煎熬,因為這意味著他們需要更長的時間等待結果。簡單來說,Deferred 表示學生的申請已被初步評估為具有潛力,但招生辦決定將其與「常規申請」的資料一同再次審查。


正如耶魯大學招生處 Hannah Mendlowitz 說:

“If you were deferred it means your application is strong enough to continue to be seriously considered by the admissions committee.” Yale admissions blog, 2016.

為什麼會收到 Deferred?

學生被 deferred 的原因有多種,常見的包括:

• 招生辦希望將申請與更多資料和標準進行比較。

• 大學正在等待更多的資料,如高年級期中或期末成績。

• 學校可能有較高的錄取標準,競爭激烈,且需要更多時間來審核。

收到 Deferred 需要做哪些補強?

收到 deferral 通知後,學生不應僅僅等待,而應主動採取措施,來增強在常規階段 (Regular Decision, RD) 中被錄取的機會。


1. 提供補充資料,彌補申請資料上的不足


2. 展現熱忱,表達對錄取的決心


3. 額外推薦信



以下是一封樣例信件,展示了如何結合學術成就和個人熱情來補強 deferred 後的申請: Dear Admissions Committee,

Element 1: introduction (also include, your full name and applicant ID if applicable) I would like to thank you for taking the time to review my application. Though my Early Decision application was deferred, I’m grateful for the opportunity to still be considered, and I’m still sure that Massachusetts Institute of Technology is where I want to start the next chapter of my life.

Element 2: academic Updates I would like to take this chance to update you on my accomplishments since I applied. In the first semester of senior year, I received A’s in all my courses enrolled, including A+’s in AP Calculus BC and AP Physics. Furthermore, I have been nominated Cum Laude by my school’s academic office.

Element 3: updates to extracurriculars previously mentioned in application Since last November, I have made substantial progress on enrolling in an online course offered by Harvard Medical School: Immunology and Pharmacology, through which I gained insights into intricate interactions between chemicals and organisms, allowing me to design better materials. In my lab, I extended my research on biocompatible porous materials by encapsulating different combinations of enzymes and bacteria. I also completed courses in Python and Java on Udemy. In result, I learned how to transform a preliminary idea into tangible research, going further on my path as an aspiring research scientist.

Continued: updates to new extracurricular activities This winter is crucial to me and to all Taiwanese high school students because we will be taking the College Entrance Exam. I have dedicated much of my time and effort to it. However, I will still continue many of the activities I have engaged with throughout high school. In addition, through the internship program in iWavenology, I am currently conducting a project concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, using my biological knowledge to research virus sterilization by using autonomous vehicles with ultraviolet light. These results have already been submitted to the academic journal IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. I will also contribute my research results on brain injury and ultra-wide-band to the club and hold more seminars. This winter will surely be busy, yet rewarding.

Element 4: connect more with the university Furthermore, I explored MIT’s website and campus on Google Maps last week, stumbling upon the Mocha Moves and various dancing events. Naturally, it reminded me of my interview and our talk about on-campus opportunities like the MIT’s dance community. Spaces and organizations like these would allow me to pursue my love for cinematography and dancing even as a STEM major. The thought of being able to immerse myself in an environment that shares my passion is definitely something I strive for. Thank you again for reviewing my application, and I hope to get the chance to bring my cheer and energy to MIT.




專注於學業和課外活動:持續參與有助於展現成長和熱忱的活動,讓自己在 RD 階段有更強的競爭力。

收到 deferral 並不意味著失敗,而是另一個展示自己決心和成長的機會。


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